SC Media eSummit | Email Emergency: Steering Clear of Phishing and BEC Scams
Virtual Conference Date & Time:
Tuesday June 14, 2022 10:45 am EST to Wednesday June 15 4:00 pm EST
Click to Register < Event hosted by SC Media.
Session Description:
On June 14-15, SC Media will gather together practitioners and experts to share their insights on email security, to discuss topics such as:
- Results from CyberRisk Alliance’s Email Security & Phishing Research Survey
- The latest examples of email attack techniques and social engineering campaigns targeting your employees
- Tips for improving your phishing tests and simulations
- Special security awareness recommendations for high-level executives at risk of spear phishing and impersonation
- Best practices for email authentication techniques such as SPF, DMARC, DKIM and BIMI
- How both email attackers and defenders are leveraging AI technology
Hear From Our Very Own Dr. James Norrie on Wednesday at 1:30 pm EST:
Title: “Transform Your Cybersecurity Approach With CYBERology™ – Reduce Phishing Failures by up to 95%”
Abstract: Based on ground-breaking research, this presentation reframes fear and despair of on-going cyberattacks into hope that we can prevail when we understand how to harness the power of knowledge and teamwork. Dr. James Norrie introduces CYBERology™ – the intersection of cybersecurity and psychology, whereby most organizations focus on technology and risk-controlled process designs as their primary risk mitigation tools, he demonstrates how refocusing management’s attention on the HUMAN element can help reduce phishing failures by up to 95%!
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